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Find size of directory

du -h | tail -n 1

Test from android

Test from android

Some of my fav. app in command line

lightweight easy control upload/dl rate …

just #import image name and then click on window you want

For mail … love Mutt and its gmail configuration

mplayer 🙂

Stewart using paper and pencil

/*Draft for trail of explaining algorithm in simple way check and for more information */

Just trial for creating simple -not too much :) – algorithm for quantitative analysis of acid base disturbances using Stewart Fencel approach

The following data will be needed for calculation pH, Na, Cl, K, Albumin, HCO3 values

History.. read the patient lab .. for prediction of expected disturbance”s”.

Check pH .. (Continued)

downscale mplayer

If you have a widescreen movie and you do not want to scale it to full height, you can use the expand=w:h filter to add black bands. To view a 640×384 DivX, try:

mplayer -ao mpegpes -vo mpegpes -vop lavc,expand=640:576 file.avi

If your CPU is too slow for a full size 720×576 DivX, try downscaling:

mplayer -ao mpegpes -vo mpegpes -vop lavc,scale=352:576 file.avi

If speed does not improve, try vertical downscaling, too:

mplayer -ao mpegpes -vo mpegpes -vop lavc,scale=352:288 file.avi


Conventional Units – International Units

formating octave output

pct = 37;
filename = "foo.txt";
printf ("Processing of `%s' is %d%% finished.nPlease be patient.n",
filename, pct);

produces output like

Processing of `foo.txt' is 37% finished.
Please be patient.

SID plotting

using java and gnuplot “stupid way but it worked :D”
java code

public class Main {
public static double root1(double insid){
double a=(Math.pow(insid,2))/4;
double roota=Math.sqrt(a+kw);
double hyd=roota-(insid/2);
return hyd;
public static double root2(double insid){
double a=(Math.pow(insid,2))/4;
double roota=Math.sqrt(a+kw);
double oh=roota+(insid/2);
return oh;
static double sid;
static double kw=4.4*(Math.pow(10,-14));
static double h;
static double oh;
public static void main(String[] args) {
double sidmin=-1*Math.pow(10,-6);
double sidmax=1*Math.pow(10, -6);
double interval = 1*Math.pow(10, -7);
for (sid=sidmin; sid <=sidmax; sid=sid+interval ){
System.out.println(sid + "t" + h+"t"+ oh);

gnuplot code “data saved in file.txt”

set xlabel " SID "
set ylabel " [H] and [OH] "
set yzeroaxis lt -1
plot "file.txt" using 1:2 with lines title "H" , "file.txt" using 1:3 with lines lc 3 title"OH"

Stewart approach nice simple math concept explanation