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Monthly Archives: August 2009

for printing reverse string using perl

i have seen it as antispam toolexample[mohamad@localhost ~]$ perl -e ‘$mail = reverse(“nmoc.liam@liame_ruoy”); print $mail;’[mohamad@localhost ~]$

nc file transfere

at receiver machine .. make it listen to any port .. say 12345nc -l -p 12345 > file_to_be_recieved.fileat sender partnc Reciever_ip_address 12345 < file_to_be_send.filedownload netcat from here

socat file transfere

download socat from here or in centos yum install socaton receiver side make it “LISTEN” to Specific port ……. better above root permissive port say 12345socat TCP-LISTEN:12345 /home/mohamad/Recieved_file_directory/file.mp3on sender side socat TCP:remote_ip:12345 /home/mohamad/Sender_Directory/file_i_want_to_send.mp3enjoy the power of command line 😉

disable nav bar from blogger

add the following lines to html file at css section layout > edit html #navbar {height: 0px;visibility: hidden;display: none;}

palestine will be free

nice Song i’ve seen today[youtube=]for HQ