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SID plotting

using java and gnuplot “stupid way but it worked :D”
java code

public class Main {
public static double root1(double insid){
double a=(Math.pow(insid,2))/4;
double roota=Math.sqrt(a+kw);
double hyd=roota-(insid/2);
return hyd;
public static double root2(double insid){
double a=(Math.pow(insid,2))/4;
double roota=Math.sqrt(a+kw);
double oh=roota+(insid/2);
return oh;
static double sid;
static double kw=4.4*(Math.pow(10,-14));
static double h;
static double oh;
public static void main(String[] args) {
double sidmin=-1*Math.pow(10,-6);
double sidmax=1*Math.pow(10, -6);
double interval = 1*Math.pow(10, -7);
for (sid=sidmin; sid <=sidmax; sid=sid+interval ){
System.out.println(sid + "t" + h+"t"+ oh);

gnuplot code “data saved in file.txt”

set xlabel " SID "
set ylabel " [H] and [OH] "
set yzeroaxis lt -1
plot "file.txt" using 1:2 with lines title "H" , "file.txt" using 1:3 with lines lc 3 title"OH"