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Category Archives: technical

Couchdb Search

Stewart approach nice simple math concept explanation

deepest sender addon

test for posting from deepest sender addon of firefox

Linux : convert Real Media to Mp3

method for converting Real Media Files “RM files to MP3” you need to install MPlayer with win32 codecs support and Lame programs convert file to .wav mplayer -ao pcm:file=wav.wav in.rm then convert wave to mp3 lame wav.wav thats all 🙂

Arp poisning

idea – detection – solution what is arp From wikipedia In computer networking, the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is the method for finding a host’s hardware address when only its Network Layer address is known. ARP is defined in RFC 826.[1] It is a current Internet Standard (STD 37). ARP is not an IP-only or […]