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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Find size of directory

du -h | tail -n 1

Test from android

Test from android

Some of my fav. app in command line

lightweight easy control upload/dl rate … just #import image name and then click on window you want For mail … love Mutt and its gmail configuration mplayer 🙂

Stewart using paper and pencil

/*Draft for trail of explaining algorithm in simple way check and for more information */ Just trial for creating simple -not too much – algorithm for quantitative analysis of acid base disturbances using Stewart Fencel approach The following data will be needed for calculation pH, Na, Cl, K, Albumin, HCO3 values History.. […]

downscale mplayer

If you have a widescreen movie and you do not want to scale it to full height, you can use the expand=w:h filter to add black bands. To view a 640×384 DivX, try: mplayer -ao mpegpes -vo mpegpes -vop lavc,expand=640:576 file.avi If your CPU is too slow for a full size 720×576 DivX, try downscaling: […]

Conventional Units – International Units

formating octave output pct = 37; filename = “foo.txt”; printf (“Processing of `%s’ is %d%% finished.nPlease be patient.n”, filename, pct); produces output like Processing of `foo.txt’ is 37% finished. Please be patient.

SID plotting

using java and gnuplot “stupid way but it worked :D” java code public class Main { public static double root1(double insid){ double a=(Math.pow(insid,2))/4; double roota=Math.sqrt(a+kw); double hyd=roota-(insid/2); return hyd; } public static double root2(double insid){ double a=(Math.pow(insid,2))/4; double roota=Math.sqrt(a+kw); double oh=roota+(insid/2); return oh; } static double sid; static double kw=4.4*(Math.pow(10,-14)); static double h; static double […]

Iptables Limits Connections Per IP